Ways to Tell if Your Website is SEO-Friendly

SEO Auckland

Search engine optimization (SEO) has become more important than ever before in the world of digital marketing and business development, as the vast majority of internet users only use search engines to find what they’re looking for online. What this means for you as an entrepreneur is that if your website isn’t properly optimized for search engines, it could be costing you thousands or even millions of potential customers every year! In order to help you keep tabs on how SEO-friendly your website really is, here are ways to tell if your SEO Auckland website is SEO-friendly.

Is the site mobile friendly?

The majority of Internet traffic comes from mobile devices and sites that aren’t optimized for smaller screens won’t convert as well. So, always use a responsive website design that can easily adapt itself for all devices (e.g., desktops, tablets, and smartphones).

Does it load quickly on all devices?

The first rule of optimisation, after all, is don’t mess it up. Even if you’re not looking for ways to make your website faster, you should have a few rules in place to avoid slowing down your site accidentally. Make sure your content loads quickly on desktop and mobile devices. Make sure third-party scripts—including ads—load as quickly as possible and don’t interfere with your content.

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Are All Important Pages Search Engine Friendly?

A search engine might index your homepage, but that doesn’t mean you should forget about your inner pages. All of your important pages should be seo friendly—each page needs unique content, no duplicate meta descriptions or titles, and relevant keywords for those specific pages. And don’t forget: just because a page isn’t indexed by Google today doesn’t mean it won’t be in five years. So keep your important pages updated with fresh, new content!

Is there duplicate content?

If your website contains much duplicate content, search engines may penalise you for spamming. If your site has a lot of duplicate and low-quality content, Google’s Panda update will eventually blacklist it from search results entirely. Do a page-by-page analysis to find out how much duplicate or low-quality content exists on your site, and either rewrites or removes pages with too much duplication. A great tool for checking duplicate content is Copyscape; use it to make sure all of your work doesn’t show up elsewhere online.

Is site security guaranteed?

Site security should be a key concern for any site owner or blogger. Even though you’re not selling anything on your website, it’s still important that visitors have confidence in your site. And having an SSL certificate can reassure visitors, as it ensures that their personal data (credit card numbers, for example) are kept safe.


There are dozens of SEO Auckland factors that can negatively impact your website’s ranking in Google’s search engine. Make sure you address each one of these before moving on to other optimisation efforts. For more details on how you can make your website more search engine friendly, consult experts.
