Understanding the importance of workplace health and safety

importance of workplace health and safety

Workplace Health and Safety (WHS) is important. But why? Why should your company make it a priority to provide the things that make workers feel safe, supported, and valued every day? This post will highlight this topic in detail so that you can understand why it is specifically important to your business

Nowadays it is common for some to accept workplace hazards as something inevitable and necessary for the sake of business.

But that is dangerous.

According to the International Labour Organisation (ILO), around 2.3 million workers worldwide are victims of work-related accidents or diseases every year – this translates to over 6000 each day. Furthermore, ILO estimates that there are “340 million occupational accidents and 160 million victims of work-related illnesses annually.”

Not only is this disturbing from a human life point of view but also because such incidents affect productivity. At the same time, these unfortunate incidents can be avoided through the implementation of sound Workplace Health and Safety (WHS) practices.

Workplace health and safety is everyone’s business, and it has been recognised as a cornerstone of a fair society since the beginning of the 20th century.

The principle of WHS in Australia is to ensure the safety of workers from risks to their health at work so that they are able to return home on a regular basis, fit and healthy. By implementing an effective WHS program, businesses will be able to strengthen their reputation and meet customer satisfaction.

When it comes to the workplace in Australia, no matter what industry you operate in, the importance of WHS is paramount. So, if you don’t have a WHS management system in place, there are cogent reasons you should.

You see, accidents and ill health can have a negative impact on the productivity and financial performance of the company.


  • As a result of absenteeism
  • Disruption in business operation process
  • Repair, replacement of damaged equipment
  • Loss of revenue from loss of orders and customers
  • Extra administrative cost due to accident investigation
  • Increased cost from recruitment and additional wage for adhoc staff
  • Payment of liabilities
  • Non-compliance penalties

At the same time, there is a range of intangible consequences of ill health and safety that affect the victims, their colleagues and ultimately the entire company:

  • For the victim: personal impact of the injury
  • For colleagues: anxiety, dissatisfaction and worry at work, especially in case of frequent health and safety issues
  • For the company: negative PR and damaged reputation

Additionally, there’s no denying that with Australia’s extensive range of workplace health and safety regulations, it is vital for Australian businesses to follow these guidelines.

Your company’s WHS measures can contribute to increasing competitiveness. If used sensibly, preventive measures would lead to the prevention of accidents, a reduction in absenteeism and an improvement in the state of health.

Against the background, the importance of efficient workplace health and safety becomes clear, because they help to prevent work-related injuries, boost productivity, avoid liabilities, reduce the costs of continued wage payments and reduce the temporary replacement of sick employees.
