Is It Safe To Wear Dentures Overnight?

Melbourne dentures

Is wearing dentures overnight safe? This is a commonly asked question by many people. Having to take off your Melbourne dentures every night might feel like an extreme activity that you have to do. But do you know that this allows you to do it in multiple ways?

This ensures that your oral hygiene is good, which guarantees that your dentures stay clean and free of bacteria.

Can You Wear Your Dentures During The Day And At Night?

Dentures are not eternally fixed in your mouth, so you can take them off regularly and maintain proper oral hygiene. If you habitually leave your dentures on too long during the day, it’s important to take them off at night.

Additionally, sleeping with dentures all night can result in other serious issues that could be uncomfortable.

To ensure that you’re secure in denture use, it is important to take them out at night before you go to sleep. Also, take them off while brushing them and remove any buildup on your dentures.

What Occurs If You Wear Your Dentures All Night?

Different problems may arise if you like to take care of your oral hygiene. From serious problems such as resorption to mild discomfort and pain, this can be a reason for not taking out your dentures before sleeping.

Melbourne dentures


Resorption is the process by which bone density and volume decrease over time. One of the main problems is that resorption may occur from not taking off your dentures at night. So, why do you want to be wary of it?

While the experience of this process is unavoidable and happens to everyone, letting your dentures stay inside your mouth overnight can cause resorption at a faster rate, leaving your bones damaged.

If you don’t want to face denture repair Melbourne service, this is something you need to avoid at all costs.

Pain And Discomfort

Constantly wearing your Melbourne dentures applies some pressure on your muscles. Wearing them overnight can increase the pressure and cause pain and discomfort.

This may result in sore spots on your gums. It can become more painful over time, so you need to avoid putting yourself in this position.

Poor Oral Hygiene

Your dentures aren’t your natural teeth; they need regular care to ensure good cleaning. So, leaving them overnight can result in poor oral hygiene.

One of the soundest things to do in your case, where you wear a denture, is to take it off and let it soak overnight. This way, you can avoid denture repair Melbourne, your mouth can be comfortable, and you will also maintain proper hygiene.


The best advice on leaving your Melbourne dentures in overnight is in. It is not recommended. Reasons cited include safety, hygiene, infection control and physical and emotional comfort.

But there are some exceptions, such as dentures that must be left in for a couple of days or situations where you think being ‘gummy’ may be too embarrassing.
