How To Save Precious Carpet After Flood Damage – The Ultimate Guide

Water Damage Melbourne

Floods inside the house can be devastating, especially if you have carpeted floors. When a supply or pipe hose bursts, or there’s a plumbing backup in your home, don’t collapse in floods of tears.

It’s important to dry out the carpet as soon as possible, otherwise, you run the risk of allowing it to grow.

If your carpets are wet from a sewage backup, and you don’t have any idea where to begin, you can hire professional carpet cleaning flood damage Melbourne service for peace of mind.

Once you’ve identified and stopped the leak that caused the flooding, follow these amazing steps to save your carpets.

●       Remove Water

Using a shop vacuum or the water extractor on a carpet cleaning machine, suck as much water as possible out of the wet carpets. Pull back the corners of your carpet and use a heavy-duty shop vacuum to remove any standing water underneath the pads.

carpet cleaning flood damage Melbourne

●       Use Strong Fans

Gather up as many fans as possible, borrowing from neighbours if you must, and set them up all over the wet area. You can rent high-powered fans to help the process along, but it will take a few days for your carpet to dry completely.

Another tip is to use a dehumidifier in the home along with the fans. This can speed up the drying process even more.

●       Clean And Sanitize The Flooded Areas

Even if the flood water was clean, it’s important to clean and sanitise flooded areas to ensure no mildew can begin to grow. First, clean the surfaces using water and soap, or you can use detergent. Then deep-clean using a solution made from one gallon of water to one cup of bleach. Also, don’t forget to wear protective gloves when handling bleach.

●       Move All Furniture

Water damage can be hard to spot with heavy furniture covering it up, so, to be on the safe side, it is always best to remove all furniture from the room before starting the flooded carpet drying process and inspect every area of carpet for possible dampness.

●       Save The Hassle, Call The Professionals

Drying floors after a flood can be a hard process. To avoid heavy equipment, renting expensive, and spending hours of work salvaging your carpet, contact for reinforcements. A large amount of water has saturated into your carpet, the padding underneath may have been affected.

A professional wet carpet cleaning Melbourne service can assess your carpet padding to see if it needs replacing. If carpet padding is left wet, again this can encourage mould and unsanitary air quality in your home.


While you can clean and dry wet carpets on your own, it is advisable that you acquire the help of professional carpet cleaning flood damage Melbourne service. They have all the specialised equipment and necessary training to efficiently and quickly get the job done.

If you’ve experienced a significant flood or water damage, you can trust your local carpet cleaners for all your home restoration and carpet cleaning flood damage needs.