How to identify a tree that needs to be removed because it is dead?

Tree Removal Ringwood

If you have a tree in your yard, it’s important to know whether or not it needs to be removed. Even if you’re an experienced gardener and are familiar with the particular tree in question, you may still need the help of Arborist in Melbourne in determining if it’s dead or dying. Here are some signs that will help you determine if your tree needs an early grave:

Arborist Melbourne

  • Look for brittle branches.

If you notice that a tree’s branches are brittle and easily break off, it could be a sign that the tree is dying. Brittle branches will also fall off more easily than healthy ones, so watch for any unusual damage to your trees and make sure to remove the broken pieces.

  • Check out the bark.

There are a number of ways to tell if a tree is dying and needs to be removed. One of the most obvious signs is if you see cracks or holes in the bark. If there are any openings, then insects might have been burrowing into its core. Insects can cause serious damage to a tree’s health by spreading disease and causing decay.

Another way that you can tell if a tree is dead is by looking at its leaves and branches during different seasons of the year. Arborist Melbourne often recommends that people check their trees during certain months, as certain signs will appear more readily at these times than others:

  • In late spring or early summer: Look for browning leaves on one side of the tree (this could signify root damage). Also, look for wilting leaves at their tips, which may indicate water stress from too much shade from other nearby trees.
  • In fall: Check for yellowing leaves and discolouration between veins on either side of branches or twigs; this could mean insufficient nutrients due to poor drainage near where roots meet soil surface (soil compaction). You should also check for unusual growth patterns such as excessive branching along trunk baseline above ground level, which suggest low topsoil moisture levels resulting in increased root growth down into subsoil layers due to high ground temperatures caused by a lack of water supply being delivered through irrigation systems below ground level within permeable soils found beneath clay-based substrates containing large amounts mineral clays (clay soils) where no percolation occurs due to lack sufficient capillary action created between particles.

Look for changes in colour and texture.

  • Look for changes in colour and texture. The bark of a dead tree is often darker than it used to be, as well as cracked or flaky. The bark may also become smooth and shiny.
  • Feel for softness or sponginess. You can run your hand along the trunk of the tree and feel if it feels soft or spongy, which could mean that there’s decay inside the trunk that has weakened its structure from within.

Arborist Melbourne

Examine the tree’s canopy.

The next step is to examine the tree’s canopy. Look for discolouration, holes and other damage. Also, check for signs of:

  • Insect infestation
  • Disease
  • Damage from another cause (such as a storm)


There are a lot of ways to tell if your tree is dead and needs to be removed. You can use the tips we’ve provided here by talking with Arborist Melbourne, or you can do your own research to find out what works best for you. The most important thing is that when you think something might be wrong with your tree, don’t wait until it gets worse—have it inspected and Tree Removal Ringwood as soon as possible!
