How to Clean A Crack House: The Complete Guide

How to Clean A Crack House

So, you’ve just bought a fixer upper. Congratulations! With a little hard work, you can turn that house into your dream home. But first, you need to clean it. This comprehensive guide will show you how to clean a crack house from top to bottom–and everything in between.

What is a crack house?

A crack house is a term used to describe a property that is used for the sale and distribution of illegal drugs. How to Clean A Crack House is typically a run-down, abandoned property that is used as a base of operations for drug dealers. The property may be littered with drug paraphernalia, and it often becomes a magnet for criminal activity.

The dangers of cleaning a crack house

Crack houses are notorious for being filled with hazardous materials, including but not limited to, drug paraphernalia, human faeces, and mould. If you’re not careful, you could easily come into contact with any number of dangerous substances that could cause serious health problems.
Before you start cleaning, it’s important to take some precautions. Make sure you’re wearing protective gear, such as gloves, a mask, and goggles. It’s also important to avoid touching your face or mouth during the cleanup process. If possible, try to keep children and pets away from the scene until it’s been cleaned up and cleared by a professional.

The necessary safety gear for cleaning a crack hous

Cleaning a crack house is no easy task, and it’s definitely not one for the faint of heart. It’s a dirty, dangerous job, and if you’re not properly prepared, you could end up getting injured.

That’s why we highly recommend wearing protective gear whenever you’re cleaning a crack house. This includes a dust mask to protect your lungs from debris, goggles to protect your eyes from chemical splashes, and gloves to protect your hands from harmful chemicals. Make sure you also have a first aid kit on hand in case of emergencies. And lastly, be sure to keep yourself hydrated while working, especially in hot weather conditions.

How to Clean A Crack House

The step-by-step process of cleaning a crack house

1. Assess the situation

Before you start cleaning, you’ll want to take a look at the space and assess the damage. Make sure to take note of any hazardous areas that may need special attention, such as broken glass or sharp objects.

2. Remove any large debris

Using a dustpan and broom, clear any large pieces of debris from the space. This includes furniture, trash, and anything else that may be in the way.

3. Vacuum the floors and carpets

Using a vacuum cleaner, vacuum all of the floors and carpets in the space. Be sure to get into all of the corners and nooks and crannies.

4. Clean the surfaces

Using a cleaning solution and a cloth, clean all of the surfaces in the space. Pay special attention to any areas that may be dirty or stained.

5. Disinfect surfaces

Once everything is clean, you’ll want to disinfect all of the surfaces in the space. This will help kill any bacteria or viruses that may be present.

6. Polish surfaces

Finally, polish all of the surfaces in the space to give them a gleaming shine.

How to dispose of hazardous materials?

It’s important to use the proper cleaning products when you’re trying to clean a crack house. Not only will this help to protect your health and the health of those around you, but it will also help to get the job done more efficiently.

There are a variety of different cleaning products that you can use, depending on the surface that you’re trying to clean and the type of dirt or debris that needs to be removed. For example, if you’re trying to clean dried blood or other bodily fluids from a surface, you’ll need a product that’s specifically designed for that task.

How to handle emotional trauma

In order to properly clean a crack house, it is important to use the right cleaning products. Some of the products you will need include a disinfectant, a deodorizer, and a cleaner. You should also make sure to wear gloves and a mask while cleaning to avoid coming into contact with any hazardous materials. It is also important to avoid breathing in any fumes from the cleaning products. Finally, it is important to clean all of the surfaces in the crack house, including the floors, walls, and ceilings.


How to Clean A Crack House can be an extremely difficult and challenging task. However, by following the steps in this guide, you can clean your crack house quickly and efficiently.