How does a Harmonic distortion take place?

Harmonic distortion is a growing problem in the country these days that you cannot ignore and it adds to the interruptible power supplies. Most common harmonic distortion problems include the distortion of main power supply voltages of the property, extra heating of wiring inside the system, neutral conductors, switchgear, and transformers. Harmonic Distortion can also affect the entire system and cause a big failure for your Power Factor Correction suppliers.

Harmonics are caused by voltage or current waveforms with different frequencies that are multiples of the main or net frequency. The multiples are always given in a specific sequence of order: for example, the third harmonic in your system is 150 Hz that is (3 x 50 Hz), the fourth one is 200 Hz that is (4 x 50 Hz) and the fifth one is 250 Hz, that is (5 x 50 Hz) and you can count so on.

Harmonics can cause a particular issue for power continuity management due to the huge number of switch-mode power supply (SMPS) loads that are already connected to modern electrical distribution networks and their associated interruptible power supplies (UPS) systems. These are the usual general forms of power supply units (PSU) in use nowadays. As a non-linear load, harmonics catch their power in regular certain modulated pulses of current from the fundamental power supply instead of a continuous linear supply. This can lead to switching mode power supplies (SMPSs) producing high levels of harmonics, especially when many are being supplied from a single three-phase mains power supply. This particular problem can be caused by Triplets (third-order) harmonics.

In short, system designers have to be prepared for the potentially damaging Triple-Ns (or Triplens) whose harmonic order numbers are multiples of three, that is (3 x 50 Hz) for example. Which include the third-harmonics as well as every order that can be divided by three. Third harmonics are probably and usually the most challenging harmonic if considering neutral conductor loads inside a three-phase power generating system. While other harmonics numbers cancel each other out, the third-harmonics are the ones working in phase with each other and showing a combined effect which greatly increases the current levels that overload conductors and switchgear.

The displacement power factor and the distortion power factor combined to provide the true power factor to uninterruptible power supply (UPS) systems experts. Harmonics issues need to be submitted at the design stage of any power supplying agency working on a power continuity plan. An uninterruptible power supply (UPS) can sometimes be fixed with a harmonic filter after the installation is done but this can be an expensive solution because you may be charged for extensive internal wiring.


It’s better to have a Harmonic filter installed rather than facing several problems with your power. This only can be made sure if you select a reliable power supply agency that can promise you the right service.
