Digital Marketing and its types


Digital marketing is a marketing initiative that can influence internet and online media. Common digital marketing initiatives include distributing a brand message using search engines, applications, email, websites and social media. Digital marketing focuses on reaching a customer with conversion-oriented messages across various channels. A marketing team can successfully track the role of such messages and its channels in reaching their final goal. If your aim is to design a unique digital marketing strategy, Blurn Digital Agency can help you achieve your goal! You will accomplish commercial success by implementing the marketing strategy created by this expert digital agency.


Types of Digital Marketing


Using Social Media Platforms for Marketing: Social media platforms help marketers to reach out to their prospects in various ways. Marketing teams can make use of these channels to distribute paid ads and sponsored content. Each platform has different ways for marketing teams to create paid ad campaigns and to make the ad visible to the target audience. While each platform has its own difference, most of them allow marketing teams to place ads based on interest, job title, age, location and so on.


Social media can be a great way to promote resources or products organically, to followers or consumers and engage with them. There are high chances of people who follow your brand on social media or those who have already purchased from your brand to view these ads. Meaningful interaction with such customers on social media like answering their queries, replying to comments etc. would ensure continued engagement. Customer loyalty can also be gained this way. Additionally, it provides a positive experience to customers. Brand building is another aspect marketing teams can leverage via social media.


Influencer Marketing: This can be another effective way to make digital channels reach the target audience for your brand. Partnering with celebrities, websites or other field experts can also help your brand gain more attention in the mainstream media. Many marketers have found success by using influencer marketing. Most people make decisions based on the recommendations they get from others, it could be an influencer, a friend, or a relative.


Email Marketing: Witt email marketing campaigns, your brand can stay connected with prospective customers and existing customers. Sending out customised newsletters or offers based on shopping history or brand engagements will attract customers. When an individual interacts via email by clicking on the link and making a purchase using the offer provided, it will become a successful conversion. More than half of the customers are of the opinion that they make purchase decisions based on the offer emails they receive.


Content Marketing: This allows marketing teams to remain proactive and respond to users’ queries. Marketing teams create videos, content, infographics and other assets that may answer queries or provide detailed insight regarding some topic that is interesting for customers, throughout the three stages of a buyer’s journey.


The three stages are:

  • The Awareness Stage: In this stage, buyers realise that they have a need.
  • The Consideration Stage: Here, buyers make a decision based on the course of action to meet such a need.
  • The Decision Stage: During this stage, buyers decide on a particular product or a service to finish the purchase and meet the need.

Take for instance this scenario – Consumers realise that they need a particular product. The marketing team which sells the product may create a piece of content regarding the product features and what the consumer gains in terms of the advantages, when such a product is bought. The consumers may see this content and realise their requirement that meets all the criteria. The consumers may also see another piece of content which may highlight the price and popularity of the product.


Based on the content read by the consumers, they would decide regarding which brand to opt for based on the information they have received. If the guidance offered by your brand is clear, crisp and has pointed out the details and benefits, consumers will opt for your brand and products. Though content marketing is less expensive than other forms of marketing, it can be more effective when used in the right way!


Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) Marketing: SEO goes hand in hand with content marketing. When customers conduct research for which product to buy, they may end up clicking on the top three search results offered by search engines. By keeping this aspect in mind, the marketing team of your brand must ensure that the article appears in the top search results. This can be done by optimising the content for user experience and making sure that the technical elements are rightly placed. Doing this would enable search engine crawlers to easily find and index the content.


Pay Per Click (PPC): PPC or paid advertising allows marketing teams to purchase traffic to your brand’s website. Marketers place advertisements on websites or popular search engines and pay a fee for each click received. In most cases, such ads appear at the top of search results page and are typically determined based on bids for specific keywords while banner ads that are provided on websites have fixed prices.


Affiliate Marketing: This type of marketing is similar to referral programmes that involve working with individuals or companies under agreement that they promote your product in return for a commission from each sale that can be attributed to their efforts. This method can help in cutting down costs and outsource certain amounts of promotion. But then again, it may be risky to put your brand’s reputation in someone else’s hands. Having said that, this type of marketing would require extensive tracking and monitoring.


A digital marketing platform can support a variety of functions within the realm of marketing. Platforms can just be used as tools to provide multiple business or technology capabilities. There are various tools to address specific functions within one business need and platforms offer support to various functions. If you’re unsure about how to go about this, get in touch with a professional digital marketing agency to help you design an exclusive digital marketing strategy. An agency like Blurn offers various digital marketing services that can help expand your brand’s online presence and consequently increase the number of customers you acquire.
