How To Troubleshoot Common Problems With Your Plate Compactor?

Best Plate compactors are a very useful tool that allows you to compact soil, rocks and other materials into a single layer. In order to have your plate compactor last long, you need to know some basic maintenance tips. Here are some ways you can troubleshoot common problems with your plate compactor:

Vibrations Engine problems 

  • Make sure that the engine oil level is at the recommended level. The manual should have this information in it, but if you don’t have it or can’t find it, check with your dealer for help.
  • Check the coolant level and make sure there isn’t a leak anywhere on your plate compactor. If there is a leak, get it fixed immediately before damage occurs to other parts of your equipment like belts and pulleys!
  • Check that all hoses are connected properly and aren’t leaking any fluids either (oil or radiator). If they are damaged or disconnected then they need replacing immediately so that no more damage occurs while using your plate compactor in its current condition!

Belt issues

  • Check the belt to see if it’s broken or worn. If you find that the belt is broken, you’ll need to replace it.
  • Make sure that your plate compactors are not slipping on the ground because this can cause damage to your machine over time and make it difficult for you to use when you’re trying to compact dirt or other materials into flat surfaces.
  • Ensure that all of your bolts are tight so that there are no loose parts causing problems with how well-balanced everything is inside of your machine as well!

Baseplate problems 

  • Check that the baseplate is not loose. If you can wiggle it around, this may be a sign of a broken or cracked baseplate.
  • Check that your plate compactor’s baseplate isn’t cracked. If you see any cracks in the metal, it might be time to replace it with a new one!
  • Make sure that all four corners of your compactor’s foot are straight and aligned with each other; if they aren’t straightened out yet, take some time now before moving on to step 2!
  • Inspect all sides of your machine for any signs of damage (especially around where handles attach).

Hydraulic problems

  • Check the hydraulic oil level: Check that your machine is level and check that the oil tank is not empty or partially full. If the machine has been in storage for some time, it may have lost some of its fluid due to evaporation. You can also check this while you’re checking for leaks (see below).
  • Look for leaks: Leaks can be caused by damaged hoses, worn seals and gaskets, cracked cylinder liners, loose bolts/nuts etc., so look carefully at all fittings before moving on to other parts of the troubleshooting process.


In conclusion, if you’re having trouble with your plate compactors, it’s important to first identify the problem. You can do this by checking the machine’s manual and following the steps outlined there. If that doesn’t work, contact a professional who knows what they are doing!
