What’s Hot: Office Fitout Design Trends For 2023!

Office fitout in Melbourne

In the past few years, there has been a lot of talk about office fit out design trends for 2020. The best part is that the future is already here and we can start planning ahead now! Office fit out Melbourne design trends are among those things which change every single day, so it’s important to keep yourself up to date with what happens in this field. In this article, we will take a look at some of the most popular trends that you should consider if you want your workplace to be more efficient as well as stylish.

Biophilic Design

Biophilic design is a trending concept that focuses on the use of design to create spaces that mimic natural environments.

Biophilic design has been shown to improve health and well-being, productivity, and workplace culture by connecting us with nature. It’s not just about creating an office space with plants—it’s about using colour schemes that mimic natural light and using materials that bring people closer to nature (like wood).

Sustainable Fitouts

Office fitout in Melbourne that use sustainable materials and are energy efficient are hot right now. Here are some ideas to help you implement them in your office fitout:

  • Use recycled material. Recycled material can be used as flooring, furniture, wall cladding and more. It’s a great way to keep waste out of landfill while staying within budget!
  • Use sustainable materials. Sustainable materials include wood from FSC-certified suppliers and paints made with zero VOCs (volatile organic compounds). Both are better for the environment – and can also help you save money on your office fitout costs!

Office fitout in Melbourne

Custom Workstations

Custom workstations are designed to meet the specific needs of your employees. This means they can be more ergonomic, efficient, flexible and comfortable.


  • Ergonomics means they’re designed to reduce fatigue and injury as much as possible.
  • Efficiency means that they allow you to get more done in a smaller amount of time by making the most of every available surface area within a workstation (including all vertical surfaces).
  • Flexibility means custom workstations can be quickly reconfigured for new tasks or employees without spending money on additional equipment or space.
  • Comfort goes beyond aesthetic customisation; it makes sure that employees have plenty of elbow room and avoid back strain from sitting at their desks for long periods of time (while still being productive).

Collaborative Workspaces

Collaborative workspaces are an important part of any modern office design. They encourage collaboration, which is vital for productivity, and can also help you attract talent to your organisation. Collaborative workspaces are often found in open office plans, but they don’t have to be.

Your collaborative workspace should include:

  • Flexible seating: By providing desks or tables with wheels and easy access to outlets, you can change the layout of your space depending on the type of work being done at the time. This allows people with different needs—such as teleworkers who need a laptop but also need quiet time—to have their own spaces while still being close enough to collaborate on projects as needed.
  • Open plan space: If there’s no room for private offices or cubicles in your budget (or if you don’t want them), consider using wall dividers instead so employees can still feel like they have some privacy when needed without compromising collaboration opportunities when not needed—and without breaking the bank!

Natural Light

Natural light has a number of benefits that are hard to ignore. For one thing, it’s good for health and wellbeing. It helps improve employee productivity, engagement and morale as well as creativity and staff recruitment. If your office is in a windowless room with poor lighting, get out of there!


We’re excited to see how these trends develop as we continue to evolve our office fitout Melbourne designs. From open-plan, flexible workplaces with natural light to diverse workspaces for employees, there are many innovative and interesting ways that you can make your office space more functional and dynamic.
