5 Reasons Your Pool May Be Turning Green – And How to Fix It

pool cleaning Melbourne

Even though you are diligent about pool cleaning Melbourne and maintaining your pool, it can still turn green when you least expect it to. If that has ever happened to you, don’t panic! Chances are you will be able to quickly fix the problem without too much trouble on your part. Here are five of the most common reasons that your pool may be turning green, along with instructions for fixing the problem!

1) Natural algae

Natural algae in your pool are actually beneficial because it filters out organic material and absorbs excess nutrients that may otherwise cloud up your water. So if your pool is green because of natural algae, don’t despair! You can easily scrub these plants away with a skimmer or use an algaecide to kill them off without harming other forms of wildlife in your pool.

You can also take the help of pool cleaners Melbourne if you feel you lack the experience.

Green Pool

2) High chlorine level

While chlorine is necessary for keeping pool water clean, too much chlorine can damage your swimming pool. For example, pools often turn green after a day of heavy rain because that extra volume of water dilutes your pool’s chlorine supply and creates an overabundance of free chlorine.

A high chlorine level can also be caused by someone adding bleach or baking soda directly into your pool—something many do-it-yourselfers aren’t aware is against pool maintenance regulations. To fix a high chlorine level, make sure you have enough shock in your system and adjust your pH accordingly.

3) pH imbalance

The pH of water is a measure of its acidity, or alkalinity, on a scale from 0-14. A pH of 7 is considered neutral. Lower values are more acidic; higher values are more alkaline. Most residential pools require a pH between 7.2 and 7.6 for best results and safety reasons.

4) Lack of maintenance

pool cleaning Melbourne can’t be stressed enough. If your pool isn’t regularly cleaned and properly balanced, you may find that it turns a nasty green colour. Without regular maintenance, mosses and algae will begin to grow in your pool. A clean pool is safer for swimming, so keep up with those pesky leaves and vacuum weekly! If your water is turning green due to a lack of maintenance, then you should ensure that you are performing a weekly pool cleaning service regularly.

5) Algae bloom

Algae grow naturally in all kinds of water, but they can grow at an accelerated rate if there’s too much sunlight or nutrients available. You may notice that your pool water takes on a greenish tint, sometimes accompanied by a strong odour. The good news, according to pool cleaners Melbourne is that most algae blooms are treatable—it’s important to keep reading and learning about how to get rid of green pool water.


If your pool is turning green, there are a few possible reasons. The most common is algae growth, which is often caused by too much sun or not enough chlorine. You can fix this by shock-treating your pool or adding an algaecide. Another possibility is copper corrosion, which is usually caused by pH imbalance. This can be fixed by lowering the pH of your pool water.

The pool cleaning melbourne sure can help.
