SEO Basics: Everything You Need To Know About Content Pruning

SEO Canberra

Every SEO Company Canberra would agree with these two things when it comes to SEO. 

The good news about SEO is that it’s incredibly simple, and you’re already doing it! 

The bad news about SEO, however, is that it’s incredibly simple, and you’re already doing it! 

Don’t despair, though – there are some easy ways to get more bang for your content marketing buck by avoiding the common mistakes, so many marketers make in this area. After all, time spent pruning your existing content will reap far greater rewards than creating new content from scratch. 

If you have the time and budget to do both, then, by all means, give it a shot!

What is content pruning?

It’s time for an important conversation about content pruning. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) has been one of those elusive secrets for so long leveraged by every SEO Company Canberra, despite being such a core component of running a business online. 

If you’re looking to get started with SEO but aren’t sure where to begin, we’ve got you covered with some important SEO basics that every website owner needs to know. So what is content pruning? Let’s dig in!

SEO Company Canberra

Why should you care about content pruning?

On-Page SEO refers to all of those things you do to boost a website’s search engine rankings. And pruning is a critical part of on-page optimization because it makes sure your site has only high-quality pages that engage visitors and get them back to your site again. 

So, in short, pruning increases engagement while reducing effort. 

How do you use content pruning to improve your ranking on Google?

A question often asked is what SEO means. SEO stands for search engine optimization, and it refers to any strategy that makes your web pages more visible on Google search results. 

For example, if you have a webpage about hiking tips, you can optimize it with certain keywords so that when someone searches for hiking tips on Google, your page shows up in their search results. This will make people more likely to click on your page than if it didn’t show up as a result of their query.

Benefits of content pruning

The biggest benefit of content pruning is a faster-loading website. If you were to look at your own website, chances are that it takes several seconds (if not more) for all its images to load when you’re first browsing around your site. 

One of those images is most likely one of your own articles, which weighs down its speed even further. Of course, image loading isn’t the only cause of slow speeds—there are also scripts and other code that run in order for websites to operate properly (i.e., JavaScript). 

Nevertheless, content pruning is useful because it cuts down on unneeded images; eliminating these extra files from your pages can drastically speed up how fast they load—hence why it’s such an important SEO tip!


While pruning content can be a challenging and time-consuming task, as per SEO Company Canberra, it will always prove valuable to search engines—and, ultimately, your business. It’s an important practice that should be implemented once per quarter, at least. 

Luckily, Google makes content pruning extremely easy with Webmaster Tools—so there really is no excuse! Just remember to stay up-to-date with all of Google’s latest rules and regulations.
