Things To Consider For A High-Quality Biltong

Biltong Tauranga is available online or at specialty stores, but if you want to make your own you need to know what goes into it—and what doesn’t! Here are some important considerations when making your own high-quality biltong:

  • Quality (grade) of the meat

The quality of the meat is very important in a good biltong. The meat should be of a good quality and should not have any visible fat, sinew or gristle. A lot of people tend to get fooled by cheaper meats as they think that if it’s cheap it can’t be bad.

 This is not true because this kind of meat contains more water which will make your biltong very dry and hard after drying, so don’t waste your money on cheap stuff!

You will know you’ve got some good quality butchers blocks when they look like above:

The cut of meat

While beef is the most common type of meat used to make biltong, it isn’t your only option.

There are many different cuts of beef that can be used for this purpose, including beef brisket, beef flank, beef round and even pork neck or shoulder.

biltong Tauranga

  •  The cut of meat you use will affect the texture and flavour of your finished product. For example:

  • Beef brisket has plenty of marbling throughout its fat content which makes it ideal for making biltong with a tender texture.
  • Beef flank is leaner than other cuts but still has enough fat to help keep your pieces moist as they dry out during curing process.

Many people prefer using pork shoulder or neck because it gives their biltong a more distinct flavour than using only beef does on its own (or in combination with some pork).

  • Salt and vinegar

Salt and vinegar is one of the most popular seasoning options for biltong. It’s simple and straightforward, but it needs to be done right. Here are some things to consider when making your own salt and vinegar biltong:

  • How much salt?
  • How long should you soak the meat in the brine?
  • How long should you marinate it after soaking? (If using a brine)
  • How long do you need to dry the cured meat before eating?
  • Spices

The spices used in biltong are quite important. It’s interesting to note that the ingredients vary from region to region, with some additions being made depending on what’s available and popular among locals.

You don’t need a lot of spice for your meat, but you do want just enough so that when it hits your tongue it doesn’t taste bland or boring.

In general, you should use 2 tablespoons of salt per pound of meat; 1 teaspoon of black pepper per pound; 1/3 teaspoon cayenne pepper per pound; 1/2 teaspoon allspice berries or 2 teaspoons ground allspice per pound; 1/4 teaspoon coriander seeds or 1 heaping tablespoon ground coriander per pound; about 10 crushed garlic cloves (more if you love garlic); an optional few bay leaves (I like them), and some red wine vinegar (about 3 tablespoons).


In conclusion, it is best to go for quality biltong Tauranga. After all, you will be eating this delicious snack on a daily basis. The more time you spend selecting the right cut of meat and spices, the better your end product will taste!
