Top Questions to ask during Boarding School admission

Boarding Schools In New Zealand

When you’re thinking about taking admission in best boarding schools in New Zealand, there are many factors to consider. Your educational goals, personality, and budget all play a role in your decision-making process. But one thing that often gets overlooked is the quality of life at the school itself. Many parents don’t realize how much their child will miss out on by not living on campus—and why should they? It sounds like an easy solution to avoid having to worry about housing while attending college (and it is!). However, there are plenty of other benefits:

Questions to ask during Boarding School admission

How many students transfer each year?

Transfers are common at boarding schools. It’s not always a good idea, but it can be an awesome way to get a fresh start on your life. If you have been unhappy with your current school or if you just want a new perspective on your life and its goals, transferring may be the best option for you.

When looking at how many students transfer each year, consider how many transfers there were last year as well as any significant changes that occurred in recent years (e.g., new administration). These numbers will give insight into how many people leave their current school before graduating and whether or not those numbers are increasing over time.

What are the school’s main points of pride?

As you prepare for your interview, it’s important to understand the school’s strengths. Ask questions about what makes them unique and how they can help you fulfill your goals.

  • What are the school’s main points of pride?
  • What are some of its successes?
  • What is its mission statement (or purpose)?
  • Does this sound like something that would be good for me in my future career path/life goals/etc.?

How are students housed?

Boarding Schools In New Zealand

Boarding school students are housed in a variety of different ways. The most common type of housing is dorms, which are usually a series of small rooms with shared bathrooms and maybe even kitchens (although this varies by school). Dorms may or may not be on campus, but many boarding schools have them nearby so that students can eat breakfast and lunch together every day. There’s also single room occupancy (SRO), where each student has their own bed but shares a bathroom with other roommates. Other options include houses or apartments; these offer more privacy than dorms do but require some work to maintain them if you’re not living there full-time yourself!

What are the school’s food options?

The food options at your boarding school will vary depending on the size of the school and its location. Some schools provide students with a choice of meals, while others only have a few options. Some schools have a cafeteria or dining hall, while others have both.

  • What support services does the school provide to its students?
  • How many counselors are available for each student?
  • What is their training and qualifications, if any?


After you’ve made your decision, it can help to have as much information as possible about the school. You may also want to ask some of these questions of the other parents at your child’s school. The more information that you have before heading off on an independent adventure, the better equipped you will be when choosing which Boarding Schools In New Zealand is right for your child.
