How to Choose the Right Water Flow Metre for Your Facility?

Water flow metres are an important tool for any business that relies on water usage, from manufacturing to healthcare. The wrong metre can give inaccurate readings and cost you money, so choosing the right one for your facility is important. In this article, we’ll discuss the different types of water flow metres and how to choose the right one for your needs.

  1. Why use a water flow metre?

There are many reasons to use a water flow metre in your facility. Perhaps you need to monitor your water usage to conserve resources and save money. Or maybe you need to detect a leak in your system and need to measure the rate of water flow in order to do so. Whatever your reason, it’s important to choose the right water flow metre for your needs. There are a few factors you’ll need to consider:

– What type of fluid will you be measuring?

– What range of flow rates do you need to measure?

– What accuracy is required?

– What’s the environment like where the metre will be used?

  1. The different types of water flow metres

There are several different types of water flow metres on the market, and it can be difficult to determine which type is right for your facility. Here is a breakdown of the most common types of flow metres:

Ultrasonic flow metres use sound waves to measure the flow of liquids. They are considered one of the most accurate flow metres available and are often used in commercial and industrial settings.

Magnetic induction flow metres use a magnetic field to measure the velocity of flowing water. This type of flow metre is popular in municipal water systems.

Thermal mass flow metres use the principle of thermal energy to measure water flow. They are popular in industrial settings where process heat needs to be monitored.

Pulsed jet metres use a pulsed jet of water to measure the speed of flowing liquid. They are commonly used to measure the flow of water in pipelines.

water flow metre

  1. The benefits of using a water flow metre

Installing a water flow metre has several benefits for your facility. For one, it can help you save water and money. By monitoring your water usage, you can identify any areas where you might be wasting water and make changes to optimise your flow. It can also help you prevent pipe damage and leaks, which can be costly to repair. Additionally, a flow metre can help you ensure that your facility is complying with local water regulations.

  1. How to instal a water flow metre?

Installing a water flow metre is a pretty straightforward process. You’ll need to find an open spot on your pipe where you can easily access the metre. Once you’ve located the right spot, use a pipe cutter to cut open the pipe and slide the metre in. Make sure the metre is secure and flush with the pipe, then use solder or compression fittings to attach it permanently. It’s also a good idea to instal a shut-off valve on the line near the metre so you can easily turn off the water when needed.

  1. How to read a water flow metre?

Once you’ve determined the type of water flow metre you need, it’s important to know how to read it. The flow rate is measured in gallons per minute (gpm), and the metre will usually have a scale with markings from 0 to 100 GPM. Find the point on the scale that corresponds to the flow rate of your water supply, and read the number next to it. That’s your flow rate!


A water flow metre is an essential piece of equipment for any business that relies on water for their operations. By installing a water flow metre, you can ensure that you are always aware of how much water your business is using and identify any areas where you may be able to save money on your water bill.
