5 Ways That The Weather Can Impact Your Roof

Roof Restoration Adelaide

The weather is a powerful force. It can lead to massive storms that cause billions of dollars in damage and even wreak havoc on the environment. While most people understand how weather impacts our roofs, they may not realize just how much it can impact their homes and other buildings as well. In fact, there are many ways that the weather can impact your roof, even if you live in an area that doesn’t get many extreme storms or hurricanes! consulting a reputed Roof Restoration Adelaide professional can help you to inspect the roof and detect the issues.

Direct sunlight

The sun’s UV rays can damage the roof material, the roofing membrane and even the shingles. For example, if there are cracks in your roofing materials and they’re not properly protected by paint or sealant, then UV light can oxidize them and make them even more susceptible to water damage.

The best way to protect your home from this type of damage is with regular maintenance like cleaning out gutters and repairing leaks around pipes as soon as possible, so they don’t get much worse before they’re fixed.


Rain is the most common cause of roof damage. Rainwater can seep into your roof, causing a leak and potentially even destroying your home. It’s important to keep this from happening by regularly inspecting your gutters and the rest of your roof for signs of wear and tear.

Leaking roofs are not only a nuisance but also extremely expensive to repair or replace. If left alone for too long, they can lead to mold growth inside and structural damage outside (including rotting wood).

Roof Restoration Adelaide


The wind is an important factor to consider when protecting your roof. Wind-borne debris such as leaves, twigs, and small branches can damage the roof of your home if they come in contact with it. These objects can be blown off of trees located near your home or even dropped from planes flying overhead. In addition to the physical damage that may occur when these items land on the roof, they also serve as a potential source of contamination for any chemicals or mold spores that might be present on their surfaces.

Wind can also cause serious problems for homes by causing water to be forced into open windows and doors during heavy rains, which then leaks into the house itself; this is known as “wind-driven rain.” When this happens in wintertime (when most roofs are covered with snow), it has been shown that snow melts quickly under strong winds because there are no sun rays left over from summertime heat waves—which means more water will enter via cracks between shingles than usual!

Animal and Plant Invasions

A roof can be damaged by animals, like squirrels or raccoons. These types of animals are attracted to the roof because they like to sleep in tree branches, and the roof is a great place to do that. They also tend to chew on things that they find interesting which can damage your roof. If you think this might be happening with your home, you should have a professional come out and check it out for damage caused by these types of animals.

Debris and airborne particles

Debris can be more than simply a nuisance. It can cause serious damage to your roof and even lead to leaks. In many cases, the debris will remain dormant until the right conditions present themselves and then become active in the form of a leak. Debris that lands on your roof can include leaves, twigs, and small branches, small stones or pebbles, animals such as squirrels or birds (especially pigeons), and insects such as moths and ants.


While the weather is something we can’t control, there are ways to protect your roof from damage. If you know that your roof is susceptible to wind damage and want to prevent it from getting damaged, then having a good quality gutter system installed will help do just that. get your roof inspected by an experienced Reroofing Adelaide company.
